Friday, June 5, 2009

Racist Movie Poster

I was at New Deck Tavern playing quizzo on Wednesday night when I noticed this poster. Although, I've seen the poster numerous of times and have commented on the outright racist language. On this day I got particularly upset.

Its still hard for me to believe that something this awful can be displayed at a so called liberal college bar. They refer to Native Americans as SAVAGES for Christ sakes.

But, I guess like myself and most people who may see this poster have the following reaction: read it, get upset, and then drink their beer. Whats wrong with us. Maybe we are conditioned to allow such bigotry towards Native Americas because none us really know one real NATIVE AMERICAN as we have killed most of them and put the surviving population in some of the worst places in America like cattle.

I guess the actions or should I say non-actions displayed by myself others is not really that surprising when there is still an inscription on a monument at Little Big Horn Cemetery that reads: "to the soldiers killed in Montana while clearing hostile Indians away... "

The more things change and more things stay the same...

1 comment:

  1. Nice Jeffy.. Look i'm your follower!!!! Happy Birthday BFF!
