Friday, January 29, 2010

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

R.I.P Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn: Author, political activist, educator and a hero to many including myself has has just passed away

His book "A People's History of the United States" was the first "real" book I read in my youth and it's still a book I still reference today.

He will be missed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What I'm reading...

A Million Miles in a thousand years

by Donald Miller

I was going to explain why I enjoyed this book but I'll save that entry for my journal. A bit to private for the interweb

These are the videos that motivate me

We need less trick track shit. Sorry to hate but I guess I just prefer watching people ride then doing goofing tricks on track bikes, if we can even call what those kids are riding track bikes these days.

Tokyo to Osaka Teaser from John Murillo on Vimeo.

What I'm listening to...

Avett Brothers- The perfect Space

Basically just buy this record. This will be officially my last Avett Brothers entry but this record his so many Gems. One of the best records I've heard in a long time.

Everyone song carries weight and every song sparks something inside my soul that makes me smile. That may sound lame but this record is perfect when you are lonely, happy, confused, bored, and other adjectives that I feel on a daily basis. Simply put this the perfect record for where I am in my life.

Sample Lyrics: FYI: This song is song perfect I needed to put the whole song down to do it justice:

I wanna have friends that I can trust,
that love me for the man I’ve become not the man I was.
I wanna have friends that will let me be
all alone when being alone is all that I need.
I wanna fit in to the perfect space,
feel natural and safe in a volatile place.
And I wanna grow old without the pain,
give my body back to the earth and not complain.
Will you understand when I am too old of a man?
And will you forget when we have paid our debt
who did we borrow from?

Okay part two now clear the house.
The party’s over take the shouting and the people,
get out.
I have some business and a promise that I have to hold to.
I do not care what you assume or what the people told you.
Will you understand, when I am too old of a man?
Will you forget when we have paid our debts,
who did we borrow from, who did borrow from?

I wanna have pride like my mother has,
And not like the kind in the bible that turns you bad.
And I wanna have friends that I can trust,
that love me for the man I’ve become and not the man that I was.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What I'm listening to...

Avett Brother- My Heart Like A kick Drum

I've been on a bit of a Avett Brothers kick lately. Not sure why, but this record makes me smile. This is prolly the worst song song on the record and also the funniest song on the album.

Very poppy and simple with a bouncy fun rhythm and a great piano riff.

Best Time to listen to: Great apartment cleaning song.

Sample Lyrics:

There's nothing like finding gold
within the rocks and the coal
I'm so surprised to find more
Always surprised to find more

Saturday, January 16, 2010

West Philly pt 2

Another beautiful day in Philadelphia so my housemate and I decided to hit the streets for some bike riding and I took some pictures along the way.

Friday, January 15, 2010

West Philly

In West Philly riding my bike around on a beautiful Friday afternoon and I met these kids, who were all about the modeling poses and middle fingers.

I really need to work on shooting people. Not really sure how to do it yet but practice makes perfect.

And a big thank you to these kids. If you guys reads this you guys are great models! thanks!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Citizens Bank Park

My company had our Holiday Party at Citizens Bank Park on Friday night and here are some pictures from the tour.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010